Friday, September 14, 2012

Love, love and... Love!

As you may have been able to discover, the true star of this blog is love. This time I want to reflect, in a more practical way, how to use and why, the more powerful and constructive sentiment there, love, to attract more happiness into our lives.

Perhaps we think that love is a feeling human being itself, many of us can give only the meaning more romantic of the word, but we will see that love is something much bigger and universal than romanticism us made to understand, that is as necessary as life itself. Here we go.

All forms of life is capable of feeling love, as well in his book explains Eduardo Punset "The journey to love." Universal and historically people have understood more the love from their more romantic side, as a feeling that is only able to enjoy the human being and that is closely related to the love affair between people or the feeling of brotherhood among family or friends. In part we are right, but love is still much more than that.

    Love is a feeling so important and powerful that not only feel it people, but that it is proving scientifically that all living beings are capable of feeling love for their similar to interact and ensure the permanence of the species over time. Even bacteriological level, bacteria feel the need from their similar want to interact others with to procreate, seeking unity in the same way that people do when seeking a partner with whom to share our lives and have offspring. So then love is universal, is the feeling it creates, gives life, is used by all living things and is a great source of happiness.

    But this precious feeling we should not only relate with everything related to reproduction. Brotherly love, you may feel towards family or friends, is so useful, necessary and powerful, that the absence of it in our lives, causes illness and mental disorders in most cases can lead us to suffer various types of neurosis. Love is so important during childhood and in adulthood. The absence of love causes fear, and can raise complex of inferiority, that our mind try to fix creating a fantasy of superiority to that individual. The person believed superior to others becomes neurotic and arrogant, which makes it very difficult relationships with their peers, and at the time that his belief of superiority, is removed by reality, it is very easy to fall into the clutches of anxiety and depression.

    Anyway, is shown as defended the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler, that even neurotic people can greatly improve when they stop seeing life through the lens of superiority-inferiority and open the door to love in your life. Work with others, feeling socially integrated and loved by others, this brotherly love, causes one to feel equal to others, you will be able to break the cycle of neurosis that his mind created for him. Therefore, we have to understand the importance of love is such that without it our mental and physical health is seriously threatened, without it, animal species, including our own, would not have endured over time and especially without love we allow the material mind take full control and create other feelings as harmful and destructive. So here are some tips for better love.

  • A great way to love others is giving before receiving. When we give something without expecting anything in return, we are dealing with love, equality and respect for others, may be surprised by how generous they can be people after giving us the first step.

  • Do not be lonely, looking for people with common interests or hobbies, let it come into your life and allow yourself to have friends. Do not let it, for fear of being disappointed.

  • Look at the world from the perspective of equality. In this capitalist society promotes "You possess this, you're worth it", but as you have seen, what is here have here will stay, so forget what they have or do not have the others, race or age, look at the person and feel him as your similar.

  • Check out what you do in your life and makes room for love in your everyday life, do not be so materialistic, maybe there are things you do not need ... but feel love we have seen that it is essential.

  • One of the best ways to have happiness in your life is to have fun, play, brings out the child in you and share these amusements with the people you want, this is a great way to give and receive love, it's easy, right?

    We have expanded knowledge of the qualities and the great importance of love in life, so I just hope that you all this has been very helpful and above all do not forget that the first person you should love to be able to love others is yourself.

Thank you very much for reading my words. Contribute to your comment.

Other topics to your happiness:

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