Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do you really need it?

Often people have a value scale​​ somewhat distorted about what we think we need in our lives in order to be fully happy. Let's talk about it.

    In the countries of the so-called "first world" where reigns the voracious consumer society of capitalist character, have taught and instilled by the media and from very young, neurotically to need things, and more material things, many of which we use once before corner them into oblivion, in other cases we can not even use them ever, others acquire just a whim, "buy to feel good." In the spiritual and emotional level also tend to need certain situations or events, also imposed by the environment in which we live, not to be happy, but rather to at least be comforted, just as a baby needs his pacifier. Is this healthy?

    Our mental health is seriously compromised behind the thin line between "need" and "to prefer". The latter, "to prefer" means you want to choose something for you, whether a material, a situation, a couple, anything we want put in our lives, but if we can not get it or we do not find the appropriate, will not provide any kind of discomfort, our life can continue with confidence and happiness. By contrast "need" is the same finish to explain, except that if we can not get what you want, cause us pain, restlessness, anxiety, sadness and dissatisfaction.

    The material mind, who joins us in this life, is very poorly educated and tends to create constant needs that, if not satisfied we'll suffer and be sad. Although we achieve pursue some of them the joy that gives us their achievement is temporary and short, and new needs will to be met and that will worry us again. That is why we must educate our minds, teach "to prefer" rather than "need" to learn to accept the things I can not bring or change in our lives and rebuild our scale of values​​, giving priority to things much easier to get, that can bring great satisfaction and much happiness to our lives, such as enjoy intensely the small pleasures of life: chatting with friends, visiting new places, a country walk, a good coffee, an interesting book, meditation, be well with the family, feel love for the people in your life ... think about it, there are hundreds of things and situations that already have there and you can enjoy immensely, with every drop of enjoyment can fill a beautiful lake of happiness.

    Remember too you can find out what you really want, in this post you have a guide to find out, no doubt, what is that yes you want bring to your life and bring you a great deal of love and happiness.

Thank you very much for reading my words. Contribute to your comment.

Other topics to your happiness:

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